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FASB Proposes Changes to Lease Accounting Rules

FASB Proposes Changes to Lease Accounting Rules

The Financial Accounting Standards Board recently issued a proposed Accounting Standards Update for Leases (Topic 842). The update addresses related-party arrangements between entities under common control. This video provides an overview of the proposed changes.
IRS and PPP Expense Ruling – The Saga Continues

IRS and PPP Expense Ruling – The Saga Continues

On March 27, 2020, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act which was then signed into law by the President. Learn about updates to the program.
2020 Year-End Tax Planning for Businesses

2020 Year-End Tax Planning for Businesses

As the end of the year approaches, it is important to consider strategies to lower your tax liabilities for 2020. In this video, we'll cover strategies that may help you reduce taxes on business income.
Guidance on PPP Loans of $50,000 or Less

Guidance on PPP Loans of $50,000 or Less

In October of 2020, the SBA and Treasury released an Interim Final Rule that makes it significantly easier for businesses with Paycheck Protection Program loans of $50,000 or less to receive forgiveness. Watch now to learn the details.
What if Your Customer Files Bankruptcy?

What if Your Customer Files Bankruptcy?

It’s something every business owner hates to hear - your customer filed for bankruptcy. In this video, we’re going to provide information about the bankruptcy process to help you with your recovery efforts.